Legends of Suflí 6/6

Mulberry of the Cross

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This tree that you see here today, is not just any tree, but it is one of the last mulberry trees found in our town, still standing from Muslim times, reminding us of our past, when the neighbors of this town fed the silkworms with their leaves, so that with their cocoons they could elaborate that magnificent silk of great quality that was recognized throughout the Kingdom of Granada.

Many centuries have passed since then, where it must be said that this tree has been able to survive the hand of man, as well as the inclemencies of nature, and is therefore, being a centenary tree, and with a history that is part of all suflireños, it was decided in plenary session dated September 29, 2014 to declare of LOCAL INTEREST with the vote in favor of the entire municipal corporation, this being a great event, as this tree has been pardoned forever.

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