Legends of Suflí 5/6

Hermitage of the Cross

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The grandmothers, who in turn were told by their grandmothers, told it to me one day, saying: Have you seen this Cross? Well, this Cross here on display is made from a piece of wood that saved a woman from a flood.

Apparently a woman from Sufi, who was near Baza, was surprised by a heavy downpour of water and being on the verge of drowning, she asked the Lord to save her. Such was her faith in God, at the moment the water brought a piece of wood, which she managed to grab and thus save her life.

In gratitude, the woman kept it, and had it made into a cross, to bring back to her village when she returned. But once it was made, she thought that the offering was not enough. So when she decided to return to Suflí from Baza, she did it walking with the Cross on her back, to try to share the suffering that Jesus had on his way to Calvary, thanking with this gesture, even more, the great help given.

The neighbors of that time decided to build this hermitage to expose the miraculous wood and it was renamed Ermita de la Cruz (Hermitage of the Cross).

It was customary in the old days to place a “palm candle” (oil lamp) always lit at the foot of this Cross, but around 1900 there was an unexpected collapse in this Hermitage, where it should be mentioned that only the oil lamp remained intact, which was never extinguished.

It should be mentioned that in the last restoration that was made of this chapel, apart from repairing the entire structure, proceeded to the replacement of the original cross for a new one, but it was then, when the women of our people were strongly opposed to its replacement. Where they themselves were responsible for seeking funding to restore it, as it was very deteriorated over the years, and thus put it back to the place it always was.

So much importance has for the people of Suflí this small chapel, which has been able to give name to the square, and the neighborhood that surrounds it and make a party in his honor: whose celebration is held on 2 and 3 May, where it is decorated with natural flowers.

It is customary that on the eve of the 3rd of May, all the people of the village gather to sing popular songs, play games with the children and taste some magnificent hojuelas with hot chocolate.

On the third of May at sunset, the Holy Mass is celebrated in this small square.

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